Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Different Chapters

Mini-Reunion of old teammates
This week we had an impromptu mini-team reunion. Back in 2013-2016, we were first time team leaders of a group of 8 other adults. This week we had 4 of those adults back on Clove Island with us. Our memories quickly went back to those years— we still had young kids, we were passing through the fires of team leadership, many times uncertain and fumbling as we guided a team through various struggles, crises and conflicts.  It was a humbling time.

Life has different chapters. Sometimes the close of one chapter and the beginning of another is clear and distinct and you are very aware of the transition. Maybe you are moving to a new place or starting a new job or a relationship is beginning or ending.  Other times the movement and change is gradual and it is only in hindsight that we realize that we’ve entered a new chapter of life.

Our life in Africa has had some pretty clear chapters. We renew our commitment with our organization in roughly three year chunks. Each chunk of time (or term of service) is separated with months in the US in between and each one (so far) has been clearly distinct— with different houses, different teammates and different responsibilities each time.

This mini-reunion weekend brought several reminders of these chapters to us.

Our youngest (right) isn't a baby anymore
First, two of our former teammates with us this weekend now have a baby and a three year old (they didn’t have kids on our team). We see how much their lives have changed, but us too. This weekend we were reminded of that chapter of parenting little ones with all the feeding, teething, diapering and tears. Now our kids have homework, regular chores, spirited arguments, ask deep questions, and can be left to themselves for long periods. Our lives have changed a lot.  We loved having a baby in the house with her ready-smiles and babbling baby talk, but it is nice having older kids now too. 

Another of our visiting former teammates has been here on a vision trip. He’s exploring how God is leading his family as they consider coming back to Africa. Hearing some of their big ideas it is easy to get excited about what the next chapter of their lives will include! Often times we look to future chapters with lots of hope and anticipation, almost wishing we could fast-forward and see what it will be like. On that first team, I think we looked forward to being more experienced team leaders with the wisdom and discernment. Now we look forward to God expanding the work on the islands into new areas and wondering what our role will be in that, but something we’ve learned is that you can’t speed through or skip chapters.  Each chapter is important with its unique challenges, its unique lessons and its unique blessings.

Tom & friend at weekend ceremony
Yesterday we helped our teammate (also from that old team) pack up her house and move into a new one. So we were reminded of some of the hassle and unique challenges of transitioning between chapters. There is the tension of trying to close one chapter well, while at the same time preparing for the new one.  Then there is just the tediousness of the transition (in this case, lots of packing, transporting, unpacking and cleaning). I can’t say that we look forward to packing up our own house in a few months and all the travel ahead of us next year, but we know that even the transitions have value. They provide unique openings for change, for starting new with new habits, or new commitments and getting rid of things and practices that we no longer need. 

So we rejoiced in having some of our old team back with us (though missing of course the other 4 adults). We rejoice at the memory of the lessons learned during that past chapter. We rejoice in the chapters we are all in now. And we rejoice in the future chapters at our doorstep. We don’t know what they will hold but we look forward with hope and great anticipation. 

The kids have survived exams and even though they were nervous, each day they came home feeling okay. Thanks for prayers for that.  The island was under threat of a cyclone this week and there was a lot of anxiety and prayers related to it, but it ultimately changed course and didn’t hit us at all. We give thanks!  We had a wonderful, full, exciting time with all our old teammates here.  There were many good conversations had, many visits made, and hopefully, wisdom, discernment, encouragement and strength received through this time of iron sharpening iron and friends gathering together in love.  Our teammate is moved into her new house and it seems like a good house.  The moving process couldn’t have gone much smoother.  To my knowledge, nothing broken and the whole trip happened in under an hour!  We are thankful for good friends and good connections that made moving so easy.  Of course, our teammate still has a lot of unpacking to do now… 

This is a busy month. Pray for us as we try to find the right balance for our time. We continue to hear intermittent rumors about possible civil unrest, so far it has all been rumors, but continue to pray that the islands will be a place of truth, justice and stability. One of the new island sister’s grandmother died this past week, pray that the island brothers and sisters can come around her and encourage her. Pray for our teammate as she gets to know her new neighbors, that she would make good connections and good initial impressions. Pray for our one former teammate, for safe travels as he goes back to his home country and for clarity and discernment as he processes his trip with his wife and kids at home. Pray also for the work on the French island, a new group of local people has been started for weekly gatherings, may they thrive and grow together.

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