College days! |
Tom and Megan are teachers who strive to bring joy and hope to the island people through their volunteer work.
Tom & Megan were two American kids who met in college, fell in love and got married. In graduate school they started to feel God calling them to work overseas.
In France |
They began serving in Africa in 2007 as part of a team in Chad. This team was disrupted by political instability in the country. Tom & Megan returned to the U.S. in 2008. Then from 2009 to 2011 they moved to the Islands where they lived and worked with a team on the biggest island.
In 2012 they moved to France to study French as part of their preparation to return to the Islands as the leaders of a new team.
Orienting Clove team in 2013! |
Tom and Megan returned to Clove Island in Feb 2017 and continued to lead a team, training and equipping new team members as well as empowering and encouraging veteran team members to shine brightly through word and deed. Starting in 2022, Tom and Megan will help to oversee teams not only on Clove Island, but on all the islands!
Tom & Megan at a gathering with friends |
Tom and Megan and their team serve the Islands in the work of English teaching and English teacher training. They are eager to see the work expand to other regions of Clove Island and into other areas of Island needs. They have three wonderful children!