Monday, August 31, 2020

So, When Will You Go Back?

Our daughter greeting cousins in DC

It’s nearly September.  We arrived in the US in March, more than five months ago.  The question everyone seems to be asking us these days is, “So, when will you go back?”

The simple answer is, we are not sure.  In this time of COVID, future plans have become something we are all learning to hold onto lightly.  Our original plan (pre-COVID) was to return to the islands on September 15th, but it is fair to say that that plan has been scrapped. But even beyond that, there is more to the question than might first be apparent.  

We came back to the US on a round trip ticket.  The return flight was scheduled for September 15.  But months ago the airline was kind enough to tell us that those flights had been cancelled because of COVID.  New flights have not been issued.  In fact, the islands have yet to open. their borders.  Both the islands and many of the countries where we normally have connections have either closed their borders or are refusing people from the US.  There is a very interesting map for those curious about the state of international travel:

Our sons play in fountain in Boston
So what do we do?  For the moment, nothing.  We decided there was no point in trying to reschedule tickets to places that are yet open to international travel.  Some countries (the islands included) have said they would ease restrictions by a certain date, only to change their minds at the last minute and keep restrictions in place.  Working to get tickets that may just be canceled again seems like a waste of time and energy. So we wait for things open up again.

But here’s another wrinkle- we’re in the middle of a roundtrip ticket.  It may be that in the next week or two, the islands will open their borders, but what if the airline with which we’re booked doesn’t open those flights?  Our tickets are with a European airline, and Europe is still mostly closed to US travelers.  Will they be willing to send us via another airline or an alternate route that avoids Europe?  We anticipate being put on hold and having long conversations with haggard and tired airline representatives before everything gets figured out.

The end result
Finally, there is the question of COVID.  How is COVID doing on the islands?  From everything we can tell, a lot better than the US.  But on the other hand, medical testing, tracing, and tracking are so minimal on the islands, it is really hard to say with any certainty the state of affairs with the virus.  Will there be a spike in cases when the islands finally open their borders causing them to close back up?  This is an unknown for which we cannot really plan.

So what can we do?  To be honest we’re not thinking about it much yet. We hold our plans loosely and we hope.  We tell people that we’re aiming for early October, realizing that we truly have no clear idea if that is a realistic or unduly optimistic goal.  Basically, we keep going with the plan until the plan changes. We stay in touch with our teammates and island friends and we keep sharing with people here in the US.   We’re grateful actually, some of our colleagues have been waiting since May to return to the islands.

So someone asks again, when will we go back?  October, hopefully.  Until then, or until that plan changes, we are here, and we will make the most we can of this time.  If you want to catch up with us, we’re available!  

Megan and our daughter made it safely to DC and have been a help to her sister’s family as they transition and get settled in their new home.  Our daughter has been a great helper watching the kids and we’re quite proud of her.  Meanwhile, Tom & the boys are doing just fine.  Our island teammates were able to go and visit the new parents and hold the new baby!  We are jealous, but happy that they can have some positive time with the new family.  Our teammate who came back to the States for family is doing well and being a big support to her family at this time.  Rejoice that we’ve had news of another woman on the little island choosing to join the family!

Megan and our daughter still have lots to do in DC to help with moving in.  Pray that Megan’s back would be strong and that she would be wise in the midst of moving.  Tom & the boys will travel down on Thursday to give more aid to the DC move-in project.  Pray for safe travels, that we could get a lot done, and that everyone would remain healthy.  One of our island sisters was robbed this week.  Pray for her well-being and for the island family to encourage and comfort her during this difficult time.  We’re getting some opportunities to talk with people interested in coming to the islands this week!  Pray for good conversations and for God’s leading.

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