Monday, January 13, 2025

Coming Back to Old Books

 We are a team that reads.  We encourage all our teammates to read and share about what they are reading.  Moreover, we are always reading and discussing a book together as a team.  Each month we make our way through a book chapter by chapter.  In addition, there are certain core books that we make all our new teammates read.  We do this because these books have been impactful on our lives, how we approach the work we do, how we engage in life in this place.  These books have become so integrated into our thinking, reading them feels like talking to an old friend, or colleague—someone you respect highly, and know all their stories and their examples.  You can almost guess what they’re going to say before they say it.  But that’s not a reason to stop listening to them.  It’s always good to go back and talk to Rolland, Rick,or Nikki (to name just a few).

Tom reading

We’ve got a short-termer with us this month, and we wanted to expose her to as much of our life, our work, our experience, our strategy, so we decided to go back and read a few chapters from some of our core books together and discuss them as a team.  Just this past week, we had a wonderful discussion about what it means to be a credible messenger— a person accepted by the community, appreciated, valued, who has earned respect.  It was all familiar to us, but familiarity doesn’t rob Rolland’s words of their challenge:

“As you meet new friends, try and find things that are of common interest between you. If you have no common interests, then develop some. This means that you have to become interested in the things that they are interested in. Over the years I have had to develop an interest in the history, politics, economy, religion, sports…”
This paragraph got us to talking.  What common interests do we share with our island friends?  Lots of people talk about politics and the economy.  There are some who talk about sports, but mostly people talk about their families.  And we were convicted.  Families are so complicated here, full of drama, multiple marriages and polygamy (with confusing vocabulary in the local language to describe the different relationships) that we often let our eyes glaze over a bit as someone takes several minutes to explain how they are related to so and so.  But, it’s something that islanders care about.  So if care about them, we should try to care about their complicated family relationships, too!
So this morning I sat down with Muki to ask him about his family.  I even got out a pencil and paper, knowing that it would be complicated.  I wrote down their names and relationships and where they live.  I must admit, I learned a lot.  Muki’s father had 3 wives and a total of 10 children.  Most of them (Muki’s siblings and step-siblings) still live in the neighborhood, though a few have died.  Muki himself has 14 children!  (I did not realize it was so many) from two wives. His second wife gave him 10 children.  He is divorced from both of them.  In total, he has 29 grandchildren and counting!  
I think it makes our relationship a bit deeper for him to have shared these things with me.  I hope it does.  Thanks for the idea, Rolland.  It’s always good to sit down and chat with you and get some new ideas.  

Our son enjoying the heavy rains coming onto the porch

A second tropical storm is passing the islands but thankfully so far (especially for our neighbor island still devastated by the cyclone) the storm has been less intense than early predictions. Our short-termer is doing well and keeping a great attitude as she learns local language and spends time with islanders. Two of our island sisters are back and a third is on her way back this week. We have heard second-hand reports that their health is greatly improved. The nightclub (that recently reopened near our house) has been not nearly as loud as they were when they first reopened at the New Year. We are thankful for the less-disturbed sleep for us and our neighbors.

Pray for Muki and his large family. Despite the size, he seems to be on good terms with very few in his family. Pray that his studies with Tom would challenge him to seek reconciliation within his family. Continue to pray for our neighbor island recovering from the cyclone, we know that some Clove Islanders are continuing to take illegal boats to immigrate to that island despite the devastation there. Our island friend (Ma Nadjma) has a man interested in marrying her. She is a widow with two young kids and has been praying for a new father for her children. He already has a wife on another island. We have expressed our thoughts about polygamy.  Ma Nadjma seems keen to accept, we are encouraging her to at least go slowly and pray about this decision and see God open or close the doors. Pray for God’s guidance for her and for us as we try to share God’s hope with her.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Lifting Up a New Year

Some islanders will still say, “We don’t celebrate New Year’s Eve, we have our own new year,” (referring to their religious lunar calendar).  And in the past, islanders would say, “Oh, today is your holiday” on Dec 31st/Jan 1st. But the truth is, it seems like more and more islanders are now celebrating New Years.  It’s a bank holiday, so some people have the day off already. And though some may claim allegiance to a different calendar, the reality is that everyone here uses the same international calendars that can be found all over the world.

An island New Years Eve picnic

Still, it feels like a relatively new holiday.  Sort of like they’ve been given a holiday, which they are happy to have, but now they have to decide what to do with it.  Thankfully, they have no interest in celebrating the holiday like New Yorkers—watching the ball drop in chilly Time Square.  No, in fact we kind of like how islanders handle it.  They see no great need in staying up late that night.  “What’s the point?  If you’re tired, go to bed!”  Instead the holiday (for those bothering to celebrate it) consists of a picnic and social media messages (mostly gifs).

When Tom was a kid, he can remember going to his aunt’s house for a big New Year’s Eve/birthday celebration (his aunt’s birthday is December 31st), but as a married couple, we haven’t made much of the holiday.  We don’t do anything special during the day.  We usually find a way to stay awake till midnight—usually a movie—count down the last seconds, give a hug and a kiss and a “Happy New Year” and head right off to bed.  This year was no different, except that it’s a lot easier for our kids to stay awake than it used to be.

One of many received gifs

But one tradition we do keep is the habit of looking back on the past year—remembering the good and the bad, joys and sufferings.  We’ve had a share of each this year as is probably true for most anyone.  

We have a habit of praying daily prayers for friends and loved ones, situations, hopes, dreams.  Many of our prayers are answered.  A sick friend gets better.  Travels go safely.  Classes go well, etc.  

Some of those prayers we are still waiting for something to happen—like an end to wars in places like Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan—apparently a year is not enough for these things to end.  Or there are new disaster or big overwhelming problems— like the chaos and devastation caused on our neighbor island with the cyclone. Sometime, we have to celebrate the small victories, look for the individual stories of hope and light in the midst of complex and dark situations. We keep praying.

Then there are prayers we pray where it seems like our prayers have been answered, but not permanently.  We need to keep praying— for things like consistent weekly fellowship of our brothers and sisters, or for opportunities to share our hope, or growth and maturity, or fruit.  When we pray, we see those prayers answered, but when we stop praying or become complacent, we soon see the situations slipping back. Then we are reminded that we need to pray for them again—almost like keeping plants—regular attention and watering keeps them growing and healthy!

Celebrating a new year for Megan!

What is in store for 2025?  What prayers will be answered?  What prayers will require consistency and perseverance?  What prayers will be on-going with small victories?  Only time will tell, but we keep praying.

Things are still very difficult on our neighbor island ravaged by the cyclone, but we are thankful that flights and boats have restarted, that emergency supplies are being delivered and areas are getting water and electricity restored. We are thankful for all the good things from this past year—people growing and maturing, a sister bravely facing persecution, people studying, more  translation happening, kids doing well, Megan’s back doing okay, new workers joining our group—we could go on and on.  We have a visitor staying with us for a month who just arrived.  We are thankful for her safe arrival and adjustment into island life.

There is still a lot of work to be done to recover from the cyclone, let’s keep praying.  It seems like many of the poorest people are choosing to stay, even if there is very little let to stay for—schools are closed, crops are devastated, most of the fruit trees have been toppled. How will they survive?  These are questions yet to be answered.  Our daughter’s arthritis is in check, but how we would love to see her healed.  How we would love to see those who seek learn to follow and those who follow learn to lead, and individuals become groups, and for all of that to multiply.  Our visitor has just moved in with an island family.  Pray that she would learn to live with their rhythms and that she would be included in their lives.  Pray for her ability to learn language and make friends.  There are at least 4 of our island sisters who are having health issues and 3 of them have had to travel.  This is a blow to regular gatherings as well as their own personal encouragement.  Pray for healing, for encouragement and for things to continue even with these sisters being away.

Monday, December 23, 2024

The Bonbons

 Today we want to do something a little different on our blog.  We want to highlight a couple from our home fellowship who have loved and mentored us for many years.  We first met the "Bonbons"—Mary and Dan (not their real names) when we were newlyweds.  Mary was one of the first people we met when we were looking around for a place to attend on Sundays.  I think she hooked us when, upon returning the next week, she remembered us.  Mary’s excellent memory for people and backgrounds is something that has always impressed us and has long been a blessing to our home fellowship.

"Mary Bonbon" with our youngest

Within a handful of weeks of arriving, we ended up in a small group with the Bonbons.  The small group was for people interested in studying about the good news crossing cultures.  It was an unlikely, but great little small group.  Most of the group were decades younger than the Bonbons, people without kids and still figuring out where God was leading us.  Still the Bonbons, empty-nesters nearing retirement, walked with us.They would regularly come to our little apartment to meet, sharing their wisdom, but also happy to listen to our thoughts and engage in our enthusiasm.  You see the Bonbons have a heart for the nations—a fire that burns for places yet reached.  And it is a fire that they have encouraged many, many others to catch.

When we joined up with our organization, it was Mary and Dan whom we asked to help prepare us.  For several months, they were our mentors as we read books together, discussed and prayed about the days ahead when we would go to Africa.  When we first left for Chad, they were there sending us with their prayers and blessings.  Since that time, any time we have come back, they were there to support us, always available to talk, ask thoughtful questions, and debrief with us.  

I think it was on our return from our first term that we began to realize that we were not the only ones who benefited from the love and care of the Bonbons, but nearly all the world partners of our fellowship were encouraged by them and shown hospitality.  Many, many partners were blessed to stay at the "Bonbon Bungalow"—a small apartment attached to their house where people could have their own place, but also be blessed by frequent meals and fellowship with them.  Our oldest daughter practiced walking her first steps in the Bonbon Bungalow.

Enjoying their sweet hospitality when back in the States

Through the years, the Bonbons, have continued to love and connect and pray with us and so many world partners, responding to our updates and faithfully sending updates of their family and of the fellowship there. But now they are going on travels of their own.  At the end of this year they will be moving to a retirement community down in Pennsylvania.  

Our home fellowship will mourn their loss.  We will mourn it too.  It’s hard to think of our home fellowship in the same way, without the Bonbons around.  We hope that if we ever found ourselves in the States long-term, we could take up the Bonbons’ mantle wherever we were—having an eye for who is new, who needs a friend and connection, being willing to open our home and lives and invite people in, and with that same passion and fire to get people thinking of those who have never heard the good news.. They may seem like small things, but they make a huge difference, and if no one is doing them, then the whole group suffers.  So we hope that others will be inspired by the Bonbons’ sweet example to be the welcoming face to newcomers, as well as connectors to those afar.

Our daughter at "Bonbon Bungalow"

Our loss is going to be someone else’s gain.  The Bonbons may be moving, but we know they are taking that same heart to where they are going. God is simply sending them to a new place to serve him and bring that same fire for growth, maturity, and hope for the far-flung places of the world to the new place they will live.  

Mary and Dan, you’re off to a new adventure—a new field for sowing and reaping.  May the Lord bless you both.

We are thankful that it seems like there were fewer deaths on the near by island hit by the cyclone than some of the previous dire estimates. We are thankful that some of our friends there have had great opportunities to share truth and hope to that hurting population. We are also thankful that slowly relief has been coming, along with some restored water and electricity (though many are still without). We had several opportunities to celebrate this past week— with island brothers and sisters, our colleagues and with islanders. Island brothers and sisters also had a celebration of their own. It has been fun to sing the 4 holiday songs that are now in the local language. What joyous news: Unto us a child is born!

Continue to pray for the nearby island that was devastated by the cyclone. It will take years for them to recover. In the short-term, pray that people can get the food, water and shelter they need, as well as deal with the trauma of the experience. Pray also that this desperate situation would not further devolve into violence and crime. Some expats are evacuating, but some of our friends are staying, pray that they would be encouraged and have a good holiday with their kids this week despite the circumstances. Pray for us to find the right balance of celebrating with our kids and also sharing time with islanders. Pray for Ma Imani as she travels with her daughter to seek medical care for both of them. The islands are also ramping up for parliament elections in January— the campaigning season has begun. Pray for good leadership, good governance, and for fair elections.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Neighboring Disaster

 Every year we get word of cyclones. They don’t usually come right over us. They usually are just in the general area. Almost always they end up giving us a day or two of some heavier rain and wind. Sometimes we haven’t paid attention to the weather reports and only learn after the fact that a spat of bad weather was actually from a cyclone.

The rain coming down on Clove Island

This time was a bit different. As I said, usually the paths of cyclones don’t come directly at us. And usually if they get close, they have weakened significantly before they get here. This time, we had neither reassurance.

So a few days ahead of time, we knew a cyclone was coming, but our island is small and minor changes in the cyclone’s path can make a big difference. So we started praying for it to weaken and the path to change.

Our guest waits for a break

Our friends on a neighboring island in our region (also potentially in the storm’s path) reached out to us with concern. Their island was preparing for the storm and had closed schools a day ahead of time so everyone could get ready.  That didn’t happen here. Most Clove Islanders were pretty nonchalant about it. Over the years they have heard rumors of enough cyclones without it amounting to much, that they won’t seem to realize that this could be bad. On the morning of the cyclone, we had someone show up at our house in the morning to visit us like it was a normal slightly-rainy day. We thought we might have him with us for the duration of the storm, but he ended up getting on his way to family before the winds started picking up.  

Ultimately, the cyclone did weaken some and it didn’t hit Clove Island directly. We spent the day inside and we had some intense winds and rain. But from around Clove Island we have only heard stories of minor flooding, some downed trees, and some tin sheets that weren’t properly secured flying off of some roofs.

The neighbor island was not as fortunate. They were hit directly by the cyclone. They spend the storm in their homes or in shelters, watching the extreme winds tear apart houses and lift off roofs. In a handful of hours, thousands of homes were destroyed. Those that were most vulnerable are the hardest hit— the poor, the people without legal papers, the ones living in shacks and shanty-towns.  Clove Island has had life go back to normal, but our neighbor island is a disaster zone.

Earlier in the week, blue skies

It could have been here, if the path of the storm had been different.  We are thankful, but it is a bittersweet thankfulness when we hear the stories of our neighbors. Life there will not recover for a long time. God have mercy.

We are thankful that Clove Island was spared from the worst of the cyclone. We are also thankful to have had some contact with our friends on the neighbor island— and know that they are safe.  Our friends’ baby was born safely at 34 weeks and in good health.  Mom is recovering well too.  Muki and Mtsa continue to come and Mtsa continues to show signs of genuine heart change.  We are still really enjoying our kids being home—we just finished reading The Lord of the Rings together!  There has been no more trouble (at the moment) for our sister on the small island.

Pray for the neighboring island.  News from the neighboring island is still coming in and the extent of devastation only seems to be growing.  Many have lost loved ones.  Many are injured.  A great many have lost their homes completely.  Moreover, no one knows what the coming days may hold.  Will the government and aid groups be able to help?  Will there be lawlessness?  Riots?  Disease?  All seem like possibilities, but we are praying for peace and cooperation from all parties.  This week we will have some holiday parties for both brothers and sisters, and our English students.  May it be an opportunity to shine brightly and give people hope. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Better Separate?

The Clove Island capital area spans several villages— to get to any of these villages it is the same taxi fare of less than a dollar per person. We’ve never owned a car on the island, partially because the taxi system is easy to use and relatively inexpensive. But while several villages feel close to us, because we are in the center of the circle, it doesn’t mean individual villages are close to each other.

Tom at a ceremony for a small English program

When we think about our island brothers and sisters in the capital area, the biggest two concentrations are in a town to the east of the capital and in a town west of the capital. For almost two years, these individuals have been committed to being together every Sunday. But it has started getting difficult. For us, we can get to either of them with the same low taxi fare, although sometimes taxis refuse to pick you up when you tell them where you’re going because they are on the outer edges of that fare. So we may have to wait, but inevitably, a taxi will come willing to take us to our destination.  But our brothers and sisters end up having to catch two taxis (and pay two fares)—one to the capital and then another to the neighboring town. This might not seem like such a big deal, but times have been hard on island families and the extra expense adds up (especially with those with kids having to pay per person). Also there is the time involved— taxis are notoriously hard to find on Sunday afternoons and that is when they are usually heading home after meeting together. The hardship of the travel has been draining on the group, with each not excited when the gathering is in the opposite location. This has prompted them to wrestle with the idea of separating and being two smaller groups each Sunday in their two towns.

Small program, but they like big gatherings!

There was an African brother on the islands who once shared with us his vision of what could happen on the islands— a big building, with a band, good music and a huge congregation meeting every Sunday. As he described it, it sounded a lot like what you see in his home country, where big gatherings are seen as a good thing. Islanders like big gatherings too. The more the merrier!

There is no saying that such big gatherings won’t someday be a reality on the islands, but it seems unlikely in the near future. So our vision has always been about lots of small groups of islanders meeting in their own villages, most likely in people’s homes, hopefully in every village and impacting their communities. So for us, this splitting of the group seems like it could be a good thing— encouraging people to be more focused in their own towns and making it easier for people to come faithfully each week. But it comes with trepidation, are they big enough to keep going if they separate?  Will each location still have the critical mass to make their meetings feel alive and vibrant? Will they lose their sense of community by separating?

As a family, we prefer being together than separated

That’s where prayer comes in. Praying that they know when and how to meet as a big group and when to separate and that in either case their community would thrive and grow. Because ultimately, whether the groups are big or small, the hope is that there would be a true sense of community, of caring for one another and encouraging each other in prayer, study, and growing in the truth. May we all have such communities!

We are thankful that our pregnant colleague is getting quality care in mainland Africa— they found that she had malaria, dengue and a bacterial infection all at the same time. She will most likely still give birth early, but thankfully she is now in a place that can care for both her and the baby whenever that happens.  We had a good first week with all our kids at home with some good family time. Mtsa has told Tom that he has accepted the good news and repented of his old ways. We rejoice in this decision. Please pray that it would be proven genuine by a changed life and continuing desire to learn and grow.

Different health concerns have been depleting the numbers at gatherings. Pray for healing for all of those suffering and for wisdom for those traveling for treatment. Pray that gatherings would continue to happen and for a clear way forward for the groups in 2025. Our island sister on the small island has had a new threat from a religious teacher from a different village— pray for peace and protection for her and her children and for a change of heart in this man. We have some ideas for celebrating the holidays, pray for us as we talk and invite people to celebrate with us. It is really hot and humid. Pray for stamina and energy during the hot season.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Thoughts on Thankfulness

 Thanksgiving week!  A time to give thanks.  It is wonderful to get together with family and friends and stop for a moment and give thanks for the many things God has done for us.  We wanted to share just a few lessons we have been learning about thankfulness.

Thankful to have our kids back on the island

The first thoughts come from little children.  During the orientation of the new team members, we spent part of our time (when we weren’t leading sessions) watching little kids—babies and toddlers.  It brought us back to when our kids were that age.  We remember encouraging our kids to pray by just asking them to say what they were thankful for…Our 4-year old would begin, “Thank you God, for mommy and daddy, and my toys.”  But then, having run out of ideas started looking around the room.  “Thank you God for the couch and the windows.  Thank you for the floors and the ceiling…” and on and on they would go.  And really it’s not wrong to be thankful for such things, but it shows perhaps a simplicity and thoughtlessness.   But how often are our prayers much the same.  We don’t know what to be thankful for because we haven’t given it much thought. When called on to give thanks, I often find myself searching around through the things “right in front of me” for which I could be thankful.  

Thankful for homeschool science experiments!

The place we were staying for the orientation had a large room where the children would run around and play.  In the middle of the room was a square pillar with decorative corners sticking out just at a toddler’s head height—perfectly positioned for an injury.  One night the kids were spinning around and around until they were dizzy and stumbling off or falling to the ground with lots of giggles.  One of them nearly collided with one of the corners of that pillar.  When we saw that almost happen, one of the adults simply went and stood by the pillar, putting their body between its pointy corners and the children.  The kids went on spinning and laughing, oblivious to the simple act that was protecting them from a very nasty bump on the head.  And we wondered how often God might do this very thing for us, without us ever knowing.  The car we never saw speed by, the uneven steps that could have resulted in a bad fall, the words misspoken that might have ruined a relationship, the email never sent that could have caused problems at work.  The list goes on and on.  How many times does God do things to help and protect us that we never even realize?  How can we even be thankful for those things we don’t see.  And yet, we should be.

The other thought about thanksgiving concerns suffering.  This one is tough, because when it is happening to us, we tend not to be very thankful.  No, we struggle to be thankful for our own sufferings.  But we are beginning to see that, at least after the fact, there has usually been something to be thankful for in the struggle.  We can look back and see how adversity was teaching us humility, or patience, or dependence.  We see that we are stronger because of what we’ve gone through and can give thanks.  

Thankful for decorating for Christmas

Last week, one of our island sisters was in court for her refusal to be quiet.  We did not know what would happen.  Her two nights in detention could have become 6 months.  We didn’t know.  But even in the midst of this suffering there was much to be thankful for.  Her spirit did not waver.  She was not afraid.  And she had numerous opportunities to share the hope that she has, even in prison.  So even as we prayed for in the midst of these struggles—we could be thankful!

It’s not always the case.  Sometimes things still happen which we don’t understand.  We fail to see any good that has come of it.  What do we do then?  And that’s our final thought on thanksgiving.  That even in the things we don’t understand at all, there is something that God will use, because at the end of all things, He can be trusted and He is good.  When we don’t feel thankful.  When we don’t understand.  We will hold onto that one thing.  He is good.  He is good.  Thank God that He is good.

We are very thankful for God’s provision in getting our kids home— for them finishing their terms at school well and for the people that helped them through their connections. We are so thankful that our island sister on the small island had so many opportunities to share her hope and joy during her court ordeal and ultimately, we are thankful that she was not given a prison sentence, but was released with a fine to pay and told not to share publicly for 6 months.  We are thankful for the island brothers and sisters who came around to encourage her and pray for her. We are thankful that everything came together for our colleagues on the big island to get to mainland Africa in an emergency medical evacuation. We are thankful that we got to celebrate Thanksgiving with the medical team and all our kids.

Pray for our colleagues (a family living on the big island). They were evacuated to mainland Africa, after the wife contracted malaria while 7 months pregnant, causing her to go into premature labor. They were not given a good prognosis if they stayed on the islands, now we pray for her full recovery and for a healthy delivery. Pray for our time with all our kids home.  Pray that we could have good times as a family and also some one-on-one time to hear our kids hearts and walk alongside them. Pray for several island sisters who are suffering from different health concerns that will require special care off-island. Pray for healing! Pray for wisdom of the best way to celebrate Christmas this year for us personally, but also for the island brothers and sisters.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Long Haul

 It feels like we are in a time of innovation on the islands.  We know of several new ideas floating around among our friends and colleagues on the islands— new business ideas, new ideas for reaching out, and new projects for engagement.   We are hearing about new people from new places (and certainly with new ideas) expressing interest in coming to the islands.  We are writing requests for new workers who might be interested in branching into new areas, helping us to grow, change and innovate. It’s exciting to think of all that might happen in the coming years if these things come together!

A big tree on small island-- it started as a seed

But what do we say to the prospective workers? to those who are eager and want to jump right in and see things happen?  We want new workers who have a vision for the future. We’d love to see new projects and ventures.  But we also know that new things on the islands take time.  

We were excited to be a part of the orientation of five new workers this past week.  These men and women are excited and eager.  They have new ideas and will push our teams into new areas of work and connection.  But they are also eager to listen and learn from the veteran workers leading sessions for their orientation.  As orientation went on, we noticed a theme emerging.  It was not planned.  It just seemed to happen.  Whether it was a session about language learning, team building or simply a veteran member given a devotion about their story, their struggles, their triumphs, the theme returned again and again.

Sometimes things take a really long time.
You need to have a long-haul mentality.
Don’t get discouraged. Don’t give up. Pray a lot!
It’s more of a marathon than a sprint.
Progress might be slow but keep it up.

These were the sentiments we heard shared again and again with the new team of workers.  Whether it was language learning, relationships, or starting a business, new workers need to know that it could take time. They need a long haul mentality. They may need to come to the islands and just learn the ropes and make connections for a couple years. They may need to first work in an area that isn’t where their passion or excitement lies.  They will need to be patient and humble. They will need to pray a lot and be sure this is the direction God wants them to go in.

Current best boat option

As an example of this, take our friends’ boat project.  He’s been hoping to provide safe and reliable travel between the small island and the other two islands—it has been an idea for a long time. It has been an active plan for years. The timeline has gotten delayed and plans have had to be completely scrapped and restarted several times. Sometimes the delays have been because of the government, sometimes banks, sometimes business partners, sometimes pandemics and global economics. There is a still a plan, but when will it become a reality? It’s still hard to say. These friends have been on the islands for many years, they know the culture and understand a lot of the bureaucracy. They have connections that have helped streamline things and still it has been a long and painfully slow process, and we are still waiting to see it successfully started.  It could be easy to give up hope.  But we encourage our friend and encourage our new people to hold onto hope. There is the chance for them to start something new.  Don’t get discouraged, don’t give up. Let’s pray! Even marathons have a finish line!

At one point doing the orientation, a worker who has been on the small island for over 24 years, shared about some of the things she had felt God leading her to when she was much younger, only to have her life and work go in a different direction for many years. It might have seemed to many as if those prayers had been unanswered—like the door had closed.   She thought the same at times, but was encouraged to persevere.  Now she could tell these new people, her prayers had become a reality, some 20 years after the initial prompting.  That’s endurance.  And as she let us know with a broad smile on her face, they were answers worth waiting for.

The new workers on the small island had a week staying with local families and it went well and they are all happily settled into their own homes now. Our sister on the small island was under threat of having her house torn down and being completely excluded from her village community, but on the appointed day, no one showed up and the next day a group that included some of the main instigators came to invite her involvement in a community project! This was a huge and encouraging answer to prayer for her and all of us who were praying for her. We have some visitors passing through the islands and we are thankful that they made it safely to our island (including a much nicer boat trip from the small island than we had). It has been encouraging to interact with them.

Pray for the new team as they settle into their first week of living in their new neighborhoods and starting what will become their normal weekly schedule of language learning, relationship building and team life. Pray that they would develop good and healthy habit and routines. The drama for our sister on the small island continues. Just today, she was called in by the military police on charges that she posted a video talking about what she believes on the internet. She will be held in custody overnight and there will be a hearing tomorrow morning. Pray for her kids and her to not fear but to stay strong and encouraged. Our older kids are going into finals week and then have to pack up and clean their dorm rooms before traveling to the islands Friday night into Saturday. Pray for their travel and energy/stress levels—we look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with them on Sunday. May we be thankful and rejoice in all the blessing of this past year!